2 min readJul 23, 2021


How often do you say to yourself “as of tomorrow, I’ll eat healthy food” and you don’t ever start?

A healthy lifestyle in general and proper nutrition in particular have already become an integral part of our life. Every year more and more people give preference to more useful products, investigate the compositions, labels, information about manufacturers more closely. You need to pay attention to the quality of the products, because even vegetables and fruits can harm your body.

There are quality indicators and safety indicators distinguished to assess the conformity of food products. Quality indicators characterize the degree of product conformity to the stated requirements — whether this product is suitable to meet certain needs or functions. For example, color, taste, consistency, physicochemical parameters (fat content, acidity, including pH, moisture content). For consumers, quality metrics are important for understanding what product we buy and how well it meets the requirements. In either case, it is important to have accurate research results and to ensure that no one can destroy or falsify them.

And that’s why the Organalyze is the first step to healthy eating and longevity. The device measures the electrical conductivity in the product and on this basis draws a conclusion about the content of nitrates. Salts of nitric acid contribute to the development of pathogenic microbiome, which leaches toxins into human body. This means that you will be able to prevent the ingestion of nitrates and preserve your health.




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